The Classic Car Mechanic Team
"Any motor vehicle workshop and especially one that specialises in classic cars, needs a team of people that are not only knowledgeable but enthusiastic about the vehicles our customers allow us to work on and have an empathy with those owners. Many of the cars we have the privilege of repairing and restoring have a strong sentimental value for their owners and our team recognises that.
Finding engineers, we are happy to work with is probably the most challenging aspect of running this business and I’m immensely proud of the technical team we have put together. We have widely experienced engineers from a variety of backgrounds helping to develop and encourage our apprentices. Some are particularly skilled in specific areas like fabrication, electrics, or interior trimming, for example, but I get the most satisfaction when they all work together to resolve a problem.
All of the engineers are supported by our management team who deal with sourcing parts, marketing, accounts, work flow etc. These people are selected with equal care and must also be enthusiastic car nuts with a passion for what we do.
I am proud of our team and consider each member equally important for their contribution and am very much aware that without them we don’t have a business" Eric