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Technology updates and gentle therapy – Another week at CCM

‘In the corner of the workshop, Olli Ragbin sits watching events unfold before him’

I have to say, being the workshop rag-bin has its ups as well as its downs. I feel I do a useful and necessary job here at CCM towers. Storing fresh rags for the Techs for whenever the need arises. My main purpose here though seems to be watching.

From my corner seat I can see everything. And I mean everything. Every nut tightened, every clutch changed, every panel straightened and welded, every biscuit dunked. I can feel the heartbeat rhythm of a busy workshop thrumming through another day tweaking, fettling and lovingly preparing more classics for fun and sunshine.

I was chatting to Eric, rather proudly, about my vantage and insight. Eric was listening intently. He said nothing. Then all of a sudden raised his eyebrows, clicked his fingers and scuttled back to the office and started busily jabbing away at his computer keyboard. Eric uses the ‘hunt and peck’ style of keyboard work, a practice perfected over his years in the Insurance game.

‘What’s he up to’ I wondered…. It would take a few days to find out.

So, what’s been happening this week in the workshop. Well, you’ll remember that last week Chris celebrated his 30th (he looks very wise for 30 I have to say). Anyway, buoyant and in great post-celebratory mood, young Chris has finished and returned the Morris Minor cab to its delighted owner. We’re going to miss the green lovely from bench 3. None more so than young Chris, whom I swear had a little lump in his throat as she made her way through the workshop doors. There there fella… be brave. She’ll visit again for more love soon.

Justin meanwhile has been preparing a film star for her big appearance. The Borgward Isabella is just one bolt short of perfection before her big screen performance. The sourcing mice are busy in their wheel tracking down the missing part. They’re good. They’re very good. Like pigs grubbing for truffles they will find that bolt. The spot light awaits! More details, as well as requests for autographs soon.

This week I think I met my soul mate. A Renault camper was in which had developed a habit of either accelerating away or cutting out when near water. Behaviour which I exhibit to a tee when it’s my round at the bar. This sort of job is our bread and butter and involves gentle tweakery and an hour of soothing words on Eric’s couch. He’s like the classic car version of the horse whisperer. Soon enough we’ll have a camper van out there doing what it does best with confidence. (My wallet won’t let me go anywhere near Eric and his couch. I have a carefully crafted tight-fisted reputation to uphold)

An absolute jewel of an MGB which had been passed down from a loving grandfather to grandson graced ramp 1. Our job was to just finish off a few small jobs for this young enthusiast and to make sure she was ready and safe for smiles down the road.

A cobra and a midget roll into a workshop. Sounds like the start of a particularly corny gag but is in fact a good illustration of the vast range of interesting cars we see.

This particular cobra is Argentinian (we are assured it’s non-venomous and friendly) and is being prepped for the IVA test for our customer who lives in Spain, whilst the midget by contrast has a nasty bite. Ray has sorted the roof and oil leaks and all bitey behaviour has now evaporated and another customer is delighted. Job jobbed!

Our unit at Passfield Mill is some 1,575 miles away from the beautiful island of Corfu. The answer the question ‘what is the ideal ‘classic’ with which to traverse the gap’ is probably a ‘Bentley Turbo R’.....that is unless you happen to be Justin, ramp 2’s CCM Tech par excellence….. If you’re Justin, the answer is ‘a 1972 mini’. As we speak Eric has manoeuvred Justin to the couch and is talking gently to him. This story needs further exploration. Perhaps next week we’ll uncover more on this bizarre motoring tale.

A Rangey in need of direction (via a new steering rack) and a VW convertible with a fixed roof sees another busy but satisfying week done.

And then just as we about to wrap for another fulfilling week, Eric emerges from the office clutching his latest delivery from Amazon.

Now Eric can be a little impulsive on his purchasing behaviour and has a very persuasive, almost hypnotically convincing style of dragging you into his world. I have fallen foul to this very behaviour before where I once found myself out for a meal with him. By the time I had left, I discovered that I’d unwittingly bought a motorbike.

This happened not once, but twice. If anyone ever has the pleasure of a sit-down tea with Mr Collins, make sure you place a limit on your credit card and don’t have a device anywhere near you that has access to eBay.

After Eric’s ‘hunt and peck’ Amazon effort it became apparent that this week he’s purchased some workshop technology. He’s bought Ray, Justin and young Chris iPads which connect to Eric’s master machine.

This means that the boys don’t have to scribble customer notes on pad and paper and CCM can now keep a beautifully balanced record of every nut, bolt, washer and therapy session for each and everyone of our customers pride and joys. All details can be immediately uploaded as the work proceeds which allows Eric and Siobhan to know exactly what’s going on with just the press of the button. When our customers call, we can pass on progress updates as if we were there, on our little stools underneath the ramp 2 shining a torch as the magic unfolds.

This is all part of the CCM master plan. Customer focussed and helping the Techs do what they do best.

Finally, congratulations to the lovely Ingrid who celebrates her wedding anniversary to Eric this weekend. Eric has a nice meal planned (old romantic that he is). I shall be checking in with Ingrid on Monday as there is every chance her evening will somehow end with her unwittingly buying a motorbike.

Stay safe and see you soon.



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